For travelers who want to travel light, we offer a series of Gluten Free cards that are easy to carry in a pocket of wallet. There are more than 60 languages to choose from. Our standard gluten free card has complementary GF cards for vegetarians, those on a low-sugar diet and those people that want to avoid dairy products.
I have just returned from trip to Vietnam and would like to express my upmost gratitude. When showing your food allergy cards at restaurants, the waitstaff spent a lot of time studying the cards. Often they would consult the chef but surprised me was the limited food I could eat. I realized how much fish and shellfish are in dishes that you would least expect - especially in Asian cuisine. If I did not have the food allergy cards with me, I am not sure what would have honestly happened so I am really thankful.
- Alex in Melbourne
I’m back from Japan and wanted to let you know that your Japanese food allergy card made a tremendous difference! I was able to get very good meals customized to my food requirements. Thanks to you, I did not have a single food related reaction during my entire trip. I really appreciate your extra efforts with the translation and timing. Thanks again!
- Blanche, Pennsylvania
I want to send you some feedback and thanks! We had a business/vacation trip to Germany in April, with our 2 year old who has peanut allergies. While we attempted to speak German when possible (we really don't know it), the food allergy cards were very handy. When the waiters didn't understand our German, we gave them the chef card and they easily helped us determine any peanut issues. Your cards allowed me to relax and feel confident that my child was eating safe foods in a country where I didn't know the language. Thanks so much!!
- Tracie in North Carolina
I have returned from my trip to Bangkok. The strongly worded food allergy cards were amazing. First, I asked the waiter if peanuts or peanut oil were used in their recipes. They usually said no. When I showed the waiters the strongly worded card, they paused, went to check with the cook and/or manager, and usually suggested a particular meal to eat. At most Thai restaurants I stuck with dessert. One restaurant was extremely accommodating, cooking my food from scratch with freshly washed pots and utensils. The SelectWisely cards were a life-saver!
- Michelle in Georgia
My recent trip to Italy was a great success thanks to your Italian Strongly Worded food allergy card on peanut/peanut oil. The very first day I used it, the waiter told me that when he showed the card to the chef, the chef told him that I could not eat their pizza because peanut oil is used in the dough. That came as quite a surprise as I had never heard of using peanut oil in dough, but it shows how invaluable the food allergy card is. The cards also proved useful when ordering gelato because of possible cross contamination. The gelato store manager stated that I was safe eating only the fruited gelatos. I highly recommend the use of these life-saving food allergy cards when traveling to any foreign country.
- Kathy in Virginia
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